About 190 national as well as international galleries and dealers presented from 16-20. November the current art scene from classical modernism and of post-war art to important contemporary positions on of Art Cologne. For this occasion have also in this year numerous art active and art lovers on made themselves the way to Cologne - so also we!
To anticipate it : The visitor rush was enormous and exceeded our expectations.
David Christian Wettmann - WETTMANN Art Auctions
Visiting Art Cologne is for us an important indicator to get an impression of the mood among collectors and dealers, discover new trends and catch a glimpse of the art that will be traded in the secondary markets in the future.
it the well-known and established gallery greats showed up with an excellent program of modern and contemporary art. Especially stood out here the art of classical modernism with artists how Miro or Nolde, von Jawlensky u.w..
Clear representation found the artist Alex Katz, Stefan Balkenhol and Tom Wesselmann, next to the all-time favorites Andy Warhol and Gerhard Richter. But the artists of the Zero Group, Günther Uecker , Otto Piene and Heinz Mack were given less attention than in previous years. Probably this circumstance resulted however rather from missing commodity and strong sales in the apron. Also, the trend towards media art, digital art and the NFT boom not has received the attention during the fair, how it had been in the offing in previous years.
Fresh wind through young galleries
Young galleries have mainly experimental works with fresh positions presented. To the world of the photo art can be said, that fewer exhibitors on photographic works set have, and if nevertheless, then in outstanding quality and straight after energy in the picture - so to see with Pieter Hugo's Gadawan Kura, the Nigerian "hyena men".
Quo vadis art market?
Of course, in line with the current geopolitical situation, the question is whether the art market is still stable at all? Our The answer is: YES so far. In the conversations we have had with gallery owners and collectors, good purchases and sales have been announced without exception.
The lively stream of visitors with long queues also in the afternoon confirmed our impression once again. Crowds of people moved through the aisles and gallery owners had to have their booths closed off for a short time so that the visitors could marvel at the art after and and at all get into contact with the galleries.
In general, the colleagues of the art market seemed satisfied with their sales and mediations in mostly European private collections. So also spoke positively of the fair director, Daniel Hug: "Art Cologne has its own charisma [...]. The public response was really good, especially because so many top-class fair guests were in Cologne ." Here he speaks of around 43,000 visitors and .
Our summary therefore: The currently prevailing crisis seems to leave art out of the picture, although it certainly also permeates one or the other work as a theme and accompanied the fair in a certain way. The people would like to see after how still art and it even an increased interest in the aesthetics of the art is to be recognized.