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Our comprehensive network of experts and a very good local network, as well as the cooperation with numerous partners how the National Bank and on cultural level with several museums how the Museum Alte Post in Mülheim, distinguish WETTMANN Kunstautkionen as a recognized institution in the Ruhr area.
David Christian WettmannManaging Partner | Auctioneer
T: +49 (0)208 - 302 69 81E:
Verena WettmannCrier
Christina KabenArt Historian B.A. | Managing Director - Online Auctions
T: +49 (0)201 857 851 90E:
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T: +49 (0)208 - 305 90 81E:
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T: +49 (0)2159 - 533 97 15E:
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Freelance experts & Consultants
Jutta KabuthArt Historian M.A. | Expert - Art after 1945
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Patrick EngemannMaster Watchmaker
Andrea Müller-FinckerArt Historian M.A. | Subject Expert Porcelain
Georg Bergerfurthexpert for Oriental carpets