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Antiques & Arts & Crafts

To the call come approx. 150 positions, silver, porcelain, glass, Antiques and much more.

  • OnlineAuction
  • 11. December 2021
  • 14:00 watch
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Auction location

WETTMANN Art Auctions
at the auction house at Friedrichstraße 67-67a | D-45468 Ruhr

Auction notice

The preview takes place in compliance with the 2G rules. We ask for prior appointment. The Auction takes place LIVE - ONLINE. You can bid in writing (e-mail or Fax), by phone or LIVEONLINE. The Auction will be streamed live through our catalog. You can bid not in presence.

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    Free Estimate by our experts .
    Click or drag files to this area to upload.You can upload up to 20 files.
    We always treat your request discreetly & confidentially.
    Your photos will be used solely for the purpose of the responding to your inquiry.

    Call us at gladly and to make an appointment in Mülheim, Essen or Meerbusch.


    Send us a message via WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal with pictures of your objects.


    Send us an e-mail with attached photos of your objects and your phone number.

    Home visits

    For larger collections or very valuable objects, we also offer an appraisal at your home.

    Which lines of business can I enter?

    Our focus is on the international sale of Modern Art & Ancient Art in all facets, Jewelry, Gemstones & Luxury Watches as well as high quality Antiques & Arts & Crafts.

    Is an estimate free?

    A verbal appraisal is generally free. In the course of a consignment our experts determine the current appraisal value and the limit price of your objects. Subsequently, we will inform you about sales opportunities & possibilities.

    What are the costs?

    the Seller's commission is success-based and varies depending on object, division and Value of goods between 8% and 20% of hammer price plus VAT (9,28% - 23,2% incl. VAT) As a special feature we do not charge any catalog or illustration costs.

    What happens to unsold properties?

    for unsold Objects do not incur any costs. This can reduced a be offered another time in a Auction or our store.

    Is it a minimum price for my objects?

    For each object we set a limit price. Below this price we are not allowed to sell your object without your consent.

    Are my objects insured?

    Your goods are insured with us against fire, water, theft or other damage from the time of takeover at the limit price.

    Offer objects

    Free Estimate by our experts .
    Your data provided here will be processed by us so that we can take care of your request can.

    Call us at gladly and to make an appointment in Mülheim, Essen or Meerbusch.


    Send us a message via WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal with pictures of your objects.


    Send us an e-mail with attached photos of your objects and your phone number.

    Home visits

    For larger collections or very valuable objects, we also offer an appraisal at your home.

    Which lines of business can I enter?

    Our focus is on the international sale of Modern Art & Ancient Art in all facets, Jewelry, Gemstones & Luxury Watches as well as high quality Antiques & Arts & Crafts.

    Is an estimate free?

    A verbal appraisal is generally free. In the course of a consignment our experts determine the current appraisal value and the limit price of your objects. Subsequently, we will inform you about sales opportunities & possibilities.

    What are the costs?

    the Seller's commission is success-based and varies depending on object, division and Value of goods between 8% and 20% of hammer price plus VAT (9,28% - 23,2% incl. VAT) As a special feature we do not charge any catalog or illustration costs.

    What happens to unsold properties?

    for unsold Objects do not incur any costs. This can reduced a be offered another time in a Auction or our store.

    Is it a minimum price for my objects?

    For each object we set a limit price. Below this price we are not allowed to sell your object without your consent.

    Are my objects insured?

    Your goods are insured with us against fire, water, theft or other damage from the time of takeover at the limit price.

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