Delivery time, postage, payment methods
Detailed information on delivery times can be found on the respective product page. Since it our works are original art, have please understand that we can always accurately predict the delivery times not . If you have any questions about a specific artwork and its delivery time have, we advise you gladly personally. Call us: +49 (0)201 857 851 90
Delivery time
- EU-Wide: 7 - 10 days after payment received
- Shipping outside the EU by arrangement
Shipping costs/postage
- Free Collection from our premises
- EU-Wide - Please note the shipping costs in the shopping cart
- Shipping outside the EU by arrangement
Since it our articles are to a large extent individual objects, with many different parameters, a flat rate calculation of shipping costs not is possible. We therefore ask you to note the shipping costs in the shopping cart, for shipping outside the EU we ask you to contact our house!
- T: +49 (0)201 857 851 90
- F: +49 (0)208-4391735
- E:
Customs or import duties for Delivery of goods outside Germany
As we have no influence on the customs and import fees charged by recipient countries have, please report to the for customs office responsible for your region/country.
for Deliveries to Switzerland and Liechtenstein may be subject to additional customs duties.
You can pick up the objects you purchased during our business hours from 12.00 to 18.00 watch, at our headquarters. To avoid waiting time, please make an appointment.
- WETTMANN Art Auctions
Bredeneyerstrasse 119-121 | D-45133 Essen - T: +49 (0)208-3059081
F: +49 (0)208-4391735
E: - Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 12.00-18.00 watch
Saturday: by appointment
Payment methods
Bank transfer
Until full payment, the goods remain the property of WETTMANN Art Auctions GmbH.
Our Bank details are:
IBAN: DE77360501050001227982
Credit Card
Pay for your art purchase conveniently and securely via Stripe, Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
If you have further questions have, we will inform you gladly! Call us: +49 (0)208-3059081