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Auction details

Please note, that for the use of the LIVE online bidding consoles is subject to a fee of 3% plus VAT (3.57%) on the hammer price. You can participate in the Auction in writing, by phone, online or in person.

Modern art

post sale 29. Mai to 12. June | Daily 12:00 to 18:00 watch or online.

Auction location

Caruso at the Stadthalle Mülheim
Am Schloss Broich 2-4
45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr


21.Mai to 27. Mai
daily from 12.00 to 18.00 watch
(also closed on Sundays, public holidays)
in our offices:
Friedrichstraße 67-67a
D-45468 Mülheim at the Ruhr
