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Auction details

Art of the 19th & 20th century

In our upcoming onlineAuction on the art of the 19th and 20th century, we offer 117 positions from painting, graphics and sculpture. The onlineAuction runs from 22.12.22, over the holidays and New Year, until 8.1.23. So you can discover at your leisure delicate portraits, drawings, graphics and bronze sculptures of this era.

The catalog is now online! Called atmospheric paintings that tell with their landscapes of the artistic idea of romanticism, rural life and the longing for the far distance of the open sea.


it not all of the current are exhibited. In order to be able to present a desired to you for the preview, we ask for previous appointment arrangement in our auction house in works Auction object Essen-Bredeney.

T: +49 (0)201 857 851 90
Our Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 12.00-18.00 watch
